

GET archive/id/:id Uses the given identifier to return its latest version
POST archive/id Retrieve the latest version for a set of identifiers


GET cafe/genetree/id/:id Retrieves a cafe tree of the gene tree using the gene tree stable identifier
GET cafe/genetree/member/id/:id 别再微信里求人了,这些免费游戏加速器,都给你们找来了 ...:2021-3-4 · 确实国服的所有游戏都是免费加速的,外服的话,免费体验3天后就得冲会员使用了。 经过小雷一把游戏下来的体验,开启加速的情况下,即使在国际服整局玩下来都很流畅,延迟很低也很稳定。 「腾讯手游加速器」…
GET cafe/genetree/member/symbol/:species/:symbol Retrieves the cafe tree of the gene tree that contains the gene identified by a symbol
GET family/id/:id biubiu加速器下载-游戏加速器免费下载-比较好的免费加速器 ...:2021-6-13 · biubiu加速器app是一款轻便简约不容易的完全免费手游加速器,biubiu加速器app潜心手游加速,不用vip会员就可以开局全球精品手游,biubiu加速器app致力于为 游戏 玩家们出示永久免费的游戏加快服务项目。 biubiu加速器,一款技术专业加速器,一键处理手游游戏网络卡顿、延迟时间、老掉线、载 …
GET family/member/id/:id Retrieves the information for all the families that contains the gene / transcript / translation stable identifier
GET family/member/symbol/:species/:symbol Retrieves the information for all the families that contains the gene identified by a symbol
GET genetree/id/:id Retrieves a gene tree for a gene tree stable identifier
GET genetree/member/id/:id Retrieves the gene tree that contains the gene / transcript / translation stable identifier
GET genetree/member/symbol/:species/:symbol Retrieves the gene tree that contains the gene identified by a symbol
ip加速器永久免费版下载- 全方位下载:2021-12-14 · ip加速器永久免费 版 IP加速器v3.02 时间:2021-12-14 大小: 时间:2021-12-14 星级: 立即下载 IP加速器是一种新型的虚拟专用网络构建工具,它能够在Internet网络中建立一条虚拟的专用通道,让两个远距离的网络客户在这个专用的网络通道 ... Retrieves genomic alignments as separate blocks based on a region and species
GET homology/id/:id Retrieves homology information (orthologs) by Ensembl gene id
GET homology/symbol/:species/:symbol Retrieves homology information (orthologs) by symbol


GET xrefs/symbol/:species/:symbol Looks up an external symbol and returns all Ensembl objects linked to it. This can be a display name for a gene/transcript/translation, a synonym or an externally linked reference. If a gene's transcript is linked to the supplied symbol the service will return both gene and transcript (it supports transient links).
GET xrefs/id/:id Perform lookups of Ensembl Identifiers and retrieve their external references in other databases
GET xrefs/name/:species/:name Performs a lookup based upon the primary accession or display label of an external reference and returning the information we hold about the entry


GET eqtl/stable_id/:species/:stable_id Returns the p-value for each SNP in a given gene (e.g. ENSG00000227232)
GET eqtl/variant_name/:species/:variant_name Returns the p-values for a SNP (e.g. rs123)
GET eqtl/tissue/:species/ uu加速器下载永久免费版_uu加速器2.9.23 官方版下载 - 全 ...:2021-6-28 · uu加速器是一款出色的免费网游加速器。uu加速器可以使得网络游戏达到低延迟,流畅地进行游戏,不管是国际服游戏还是国内游戏都可以最大程度地降低游戏延迟,保证游戏畅快进行,给你一个畅通无阻的网络游戏体验。


GET info/analysis/:species iOS TestFlight版安装教程:2021-5-8 · 下载「菜鸟极速」IOS版 永久免费加速器 ,安全翻墙嗨到爆! 安装步骤 1 在AppStore下载苹果官方测试软件「TestFlight」(已安装的请直接跳到第②步) 下载TestFlight ...
GET info/assembly/:species List the currently available assemblies for a species, along with toplevel sequences, chromosomes and cytogenetic bands.
GET info/assembly/:species/:region_name Returns information about the specified toplevel sequence region for the given species.
GET info/biotypes/:species List the functional classifications of gene models that Ensembl associates with a particular species. Useful for restricting the type of genes/transcripts retrieved by other endpoints.
GET info/biotypes/groups/:group/:object_type Without argument the list of available biotype groups is returned. With :group argument provided, list the properties of biotypes within that group. Object type (gene or transcript) can be provided for filtering.
Epic平台《GTA5》免费送 UU加速器带你畅玩R星神作:2021-4-8 · Epic为玩家送福利了,《GTA5》免费领取,从5月15日开始至5月21日,所有玩家都能免费领取这款游戏,领取之后将永久保留。《GTA5》作为Steam平台常年霸占榜首的热门游戏,这次Epic免费赠送也是下了血本的,没有入手的玩家千万不要错过这次 ... List the properties of biotypes with a given name. Object type (gene or transcript) can be provided for filtering.
GET info/compara/methods List all compara analyses available (an analysis defines the type of comparative data).
GET info/compara/species_sets/:method List all collections of species analysed with the specified compara method.
GET info/comparas Lists all available comparative genomics databases and their data release. DEPRECATED: use info/genomes/division instead.
GET info/data Shows the data releases available on this REST server. May return more than one release (unfrequent non-standard Ensembl configuration).
葫芦加速器ios永久免费 Returns the Ensembl Genomes version of the databases backing this service
GET info/external_dbs/:species Lists all available external sources for a species.
GET info/divisions Get list of all Ensembl divisions for which information is available
GET info/genomes/:genome_name Find information about a given genome
GET info/genomes/accession/:accession 下载软件加速器--Download Accelerator教程-CSDN论坛:2021-6-1 · 下载软件加速器--Download Accelerator教程 如果想用好软件,除了买软件CD外,就是从网络上下载了,而从网络上下载是最方便,最快捷的。网络是你随时使用新鲜软件的绝佳地方。
GET info/genomes/assembly/:assembly_id ip加速器永久免费版下载- 全方位下载:2021-12-14 · ip加速器永久免费 版 IP加速器v3.02 时间:2021-12-14 大小: 时间:2021-12-14 星级: 立即下载 IP加速器是一种新型的虚拟专用网络构建工具,它能够在Internet网络中建立一条虚拟的专用通道,让两个远距离的网络客户在这个专用的网络通道 ...
GET info/genomes/division/:division_name 永久免费手游加速器-安卓手游加速器排行榜-爪游控:2021-3-14 · 有什么永久免费手游加速器推荐?加速器可以有效解决玩家在网络游戏中遇到的延时过高,掉线等问题噢,并且加速器里还有专门的加速游戏供玩家畅玩,让你有更加满足的游戏体验,下面就来看看安卓手游加速器排行榜看看有什么好用的加速器吧!
腾讯加速器免费版下载-腾讯加速器免费版手机下载-Appfound:《腾讯加速器免费版》帮你免费解决网络延迟、卡顿问题,让你在游戏中获取到更加稳定的游戏对战玩法操作,腾讯加速器免费版帮你解决在游戏中的各种网络问题,可以说是一款非常值得下载使用的手游加速软件,并且操作简单轻松。 Find information about all genomes beneath a given node of the taxonomy
GET info/ping Checks if the service is alive.
GET info/rest Shows the current version of the Ensembl REST API.
GET info/software Shows the current version of the Ensembl API used by the REST server.
GET info/species Lists all available species, their aliases, available adaptor groups and data release.
GET info/variation/:species List the variation sources used in Ensembl for a species.
GET info/variation/consequence_types Lists all variant consequence types.
GET info/variation/populations/:species:/:population_name List all individuals for a population from a species
GET info/variation/populations/:species List all populations for a species


GET ld/:species/:id/:population_name Computes and returns LD values between the given variant and all other variants in a window centered around the given variant. The window size is set to 500 kb.
GET ld/:species/pairwise/:id1/:id2 Computes and returns LD values between the given variants.
腾讯加速器免费版下载-腾讯加速器免费版手机下载-Appfound:《腾讯加速器免费版》帮你免费解决网络延迟、卡顿问题,让你在游戏中获取到更加稳定的游戏对战玩法操作,腾讯加速器免费版帮你解决在游戏中的各种网络问题,可以说是一款非常值得下载使用的手游加速软件,并且操作简单轻松。 Computes and returns LD values between all pairs of variants in the defined region.


GET lookup/id/:id Find the species and database for a single identifier e.g. gene, transcript, protein
POST lookup/id Find the species and database for several identifiers. IDs that are not found are returned with no data.
GET lookup/symbol/:species/:symbol ip加速器永久免费版下载- 全方位下载:2021-12-14 · ip加速器永久免费 版 IP加速器v3.02 时间:2021-12-14 大小: 时间:2021-12-14 星级: 立即下载 IP加速器是一种新型的虚拟专用网络构建工具,它能够在Internet网络中建立一条虚拟的专用通道,让两个远距离的网络客户在这个专用的网络通道 ...
POST lookup/symbol/:species/:symbol Find the species and database for a set of symbols in a linked external database. Unknown symbols are omitted from the response.


GET map/cdna/:id/:region Convert from cDNA coordinates to genomic coordinates. Output reflects forward orientation coordinates as returned from the Ensembl API.
GET map/cds/:id/:region Convert from CDS coordinates to genomic coordinates. Output reflects forward orientation coordinates as returned from the Ensembl API.
GET map/:species/:asm_one/:region/:asm_two Convert the co-ordinates of one assembly to another
GET map/translation/:id/:region 永久免费支持访问优酷B站腾讯视频等 - Malus加速器唯一 ...:开始使用Malus来加速访问中国的音视频和网站,简单快速好用,帮你解锁优酷B站腾讯视频等国内各种服务.海棠Malus回国加速器致力于帮助海外华人和留学生提供加速中国大陆音视频的服务,可以在海外流畅使用中国的网站和音视频服务,提供专业稳定的全球回国线路和回国节点。


蚂蚁海外加速器永久免费版 Reconstruct the entire ancestry of a term from is_a and part_of relationships
GET ontology/ancestors/chart/:id Reconstruct the entire ancestry of a term from is_a and part_of relationships.
GET ontology/descendants/:id Find all the terms descended from a given term. By default searches are conducted within the namespace of the given identifier
ios免费国外加速器 Search for an ontological term by its namespaced identifier
GET ontology/name/:name Search for a list of ontological terms by their name
GET taxonomy/classification/:id Return the taxonomic classification of a taxon node
GET taxonomy/id/:id ios永久加速器_ios加速器 - 电影天堂:2021-4-5 · 加速器能够加快游戏的进程,让玩家充分体验游戏的娱乐乐趣,为玩家避免卡顿带来的烦恼!那么ios永久免费加速器有哪些?哪些加速器适合苹果手机使 目前:奇游手游 加速器 经过3个月的艰苦内测,将于9月10日全面公测,公测之后的奇游仍会 iOS :点击,提交一份接收内测邀请的邮箱地址 收到邮件后根据以下 ...
GET taxonomy/name/:name Search for a taxonomic id by a non-scientific name


GET overlap/id/:id Retrieves features (e.g. genes, transcripts, variants and more) that overlap a region defined by the given identifier.
GET overlap/region/:species/:region Retrieves features (e.g. genes, transcripts, variants and more) that overlap a given region.
GET overlap/translation/:id Retrieve features related to a specific Translation as described by its stable ID (e.g. domains, variants).

Phenotype annotations

GET /phenotype/accession/:species/:accession Return phenotype annotations for genomic features given a phenotype ontology accession
火箭加速器_无需翻墙一键加速_永久免费 - 邵先森博客:2021-4-11 · 火箭加速器破解版是与老王vpn相同,是一款能够帮助各种网络游戏进行加速的辅助工具,我们如果遇到游戏卡顿甚至掉线的问题时,就可以使用火箭加速器来提升网速,从而解决这些问题,让你可以更加快速地体验游戏哦! Return phenotype annotations for a given gene.
GET /phenotype/region/:species/:region Return phenotype annotations that overlap a given genomic region.
GET /phenotype/term/:species/:term Epic平台《GTA5》免费送 UU加速器带你畅玩R星神作:2021-4-8 · Epic为玩家送福利了,《GTA5》免费领取,从5月15日开始至5月21日,所有玩家都能免费领取这款游戏,领取之后将永久保留。《GTA5》作为Steam平台常年霸占榜首的热门游戏,这次Epic免费赠送也是下了血本的,没有入手的玩家千万不要错过这次 ...


GET regulatory/species/:species/microarray/:microarray/vendor/:vendor Returns information about a specific microarray
‎App Store 上的“回家Link-海外华人回国加速器”:2021-5-27 · ‎无限畅享,极速回家 回家Link是一款专为海外华人推出的回国加速器,全球节点,一键加速,让世界各地的海外华人能够便捷地享受到国内的音乐,视频,直播等各类资源。 加速所有国内主流视频及音乐平台——爱奇艺,腾讯视频,哔哩哔哩,网易云音乐,QQ音乐应有尽有,独有专线带给您 ... Returns information about all epigenomes available for the given species
GET species/:species/binding_matrix/:binding_matrix_stable_id/ Return the specified binding matrix
GET regulatory/species/:species/microarray Returns information about all microarrays available for the given species
GET regulatory/species/:species/microarray/:microarray/probe/:probe Returns information about a specific probe from a microarray
GET regulatory/species/:species/microarray/:microarray/probe_set/:probe_set Returns information about a specific probe_set from a microarray
腾讯手游加速器软件iOS版下载_腾讯手游加速器最新iOS版 ...:永久免费加速,腾讯游戏王卡免流,电竞级加速体验!支持王者荣耀、和平精英、海外等热门游戏加速!腾讯游戏开发的一款电竞级手游加速器,独家专利,应用于各类电竞赛事,彻底杜绝460跳红 Returns a RegulatoryFeature given its stable ID (e.g. ENSR00000082023)


GET sequence/id/:id Request multiple types of sequence by stable identifier. Supports feature masking and expand options.
POST sequence/id Request multiple types of sequence by a stable identifier list.
GET sequence/region/:species/:region Returns the genomic sequence of the specified region of the given species. Supports feature masking and expand options.
加速器ios永久免费 360网游加速器永久免费版下载- 全方位下载:2021-5-4 · 360网游加速器永久免费版v2.1.0.1022 时间:2021-05-04 大小: 时间:2021-05-04 星级: 立即下载 360网游加速器是360官方出品的网游加速软件,支持时下热门的英雄联盟、穿越火线、斗战神等五十余款网游,为您打造更加流畅的游戏体验,360网游加速器 ...

Transcript Haplotypes

坚果nuts加速器官网 - 好看123:2021-6-14 · 9.坚果加速器破解版nuts坚果加速器破解版永久免费app下载v501 点击前往 网站介绍:2021年11月21日 - 坚果加速器破解版app是一款已经破解了的加速器软件,所有资源都是免费为大家提供的。 Computes observed transcript haplotype sequences based on phased genotype data


GET vep/:species/hgvs/:hgvs_notation Fetch variant consequences based on a HGVS notation
POST vep/:species/hgvs Fetch variant consequences for multiple HGVS notations
GET vep/:species/id/:id 泡泡加速器_官方电脑版_华军纯净下载:2021-3-30 · 泡泡加速器官方版是一款专用于绝地求生大逃杀游戏的加速工具,泡泡加速器官方版功能强劲,绿色小巧,能够让你彻底告别延迟与丢包,让你的游戏更加流畅,完美体验游戏。泡泡加速器采用云智能加速技术,傻瓜式优化压榨电脑性能,按小时计费,方便快捷,畅玩到爽!
POST vep/:species/id Fetch variant consequences for multiple ids
台服游戏《石器时代:世界》正式上线,加速器首推有趣:今天 · 台服游戏《石器时代:世界》正式上线,加速器首推有趣 2021-06-18 分享到: 《石器时代:世界》是 网石公司旗下冒险RPG新游,今日官方正式宣布将在全球172个地区双平台推出(IOS/ Android )官方还表示为了庆祝游戏上市,邀请玩家参加特别庆祝活动让玩家体验到专属了冒险之旅。 Fetch variant consequences
POST vep/:species/region Fetch variant consequences for multiple regions


GET variant_recoder/:species/:id Translate a variant identifier, HGVS notation or genomic SPDI notation to all possible variant IDs, HGVS and genomic SPDI
POST variant_recoder/:species Translate a list of variant identifiers, HGVS notations or genomic SPDI notations to all possible variant IDs, HGVS and genomic SPDI
旋风加速器ios永久免费 Uses a variant identifier (e.g. rsID) to return the variation features including optional genotype, phenotype and population data
GET variation/:species/pmcid/:pmcid Fetch variants by publication using PubMed Central reference number (PMCID)
GET variation/:species/pmid/:pmid Fetch variants by publication using PubMed reference number (PMID)
POST variation/:species/ Uses a list of variant identifiers (e.g. rsID) to return the variation features including optional genotype, phenotype and population data

Variation GA4GH

GET ga4gh/beacon 葫芦加速器ios永久免费
GET ga4gh/beacon/query Return the Beacon response for allele information
ios免费国外加速器 Return the Beacon response for allele information
加速器ios Return the GA4GH record for a specific sequence feature given its identifier
POST ga4gh/features/search 十大加速器排名_加速器永久免费版_游戏加速器安卓版:2021-1-29 · 游戏加速器安卓版哪个好用不花钱?游戏加速器是一种能够调整游戏进程速率的一种游戏辅助软件,小编今天为各位喜欢玩手游的朋友安利几款实用的加速器永久免费版,最快可达8x速度,感兴趣的小伙伴们快来参考十大加速器排名看看吧!
POST ga4gh/callsets/search Return a list of sets of genotype calls for specific samples in GA4GH format
袋鼠加速器ios永久免费 Return the GA4GH record for a specific CallSet given its identifier
ios无限时长免费加速器 Return a list of datasets in GA4GH format
永久免费加速加速器 Return the GA4GH record for a specific dataset given its identifier
加速器ios永久免费 Return a list of feature sets in GA4GH format
袋鼠加速器ios永久免费 Return the GA4GH record for a specific featureSet given its identifier
旋风加速器ios iOS TestFlight版安装教程:2021-5-8 · 下载「菜鸟极速」IOS版 永久免费加速器 ,安全翻墙嗨到爆! 安装步骤 1 在AppStore下载苹果官方测试软件「TestFlight」(已安装的请直接跳到第②步) 下载TestFlight ...
POST ga4gh/variantannotations/search Return variant annotation information in GA4GH format for a region on a reference sequence
ios无限时长免费加速器 Return variant call information in GA4GH format for a region on a reference sequence
POST ga4gh/variantsets/search 雷霆加速器app官网下载_ 雷霆加速器安卓破解免费版下载 v1 ...:2021-6-1 · 玩游戏眼看就要赢了,手机突然卡,功亏一篑,这样狗血的经历千万不要经历第二次。下载雷霆加速器app,从此不怕手机卡到爆,而且软件内还有大量热门游戏等你来玩。这么好怕是要收费吧?no,永久免费,快来下载,尽情徜徉在游戏的海洋,只为片刻的解脱。
GET ga4gh/variantsets/:id Return the GA4GH record for a specific VariantSet given its identifier
POST ga4gh/references/search 老王永久免费佛系加速器在线下载V2.2.16 - 沃的资源网:2021-6-7 · 老王永久免费佛系加速器在线下载V2.2.16 内容 相关 软件名称:老王 软件大小:37.2MB 软件版本:2.2.15→2.2.16 软件语言:简体中文 软件类型:国产软件 软件授权:共享软件 更新时间:2021-06-07 23:16:38 应用平台:安卓
GET ga4gh/references/:id Return data for a specific reference in GA4GH format by id
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GET ga4gh/referencesets/:id Return data for a specific reference set in GA4GH format
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GET ga4gh/variantannotationsets/:id Return meta data for a specific annotation set in GA4GH format